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NEW: +1 (780) 807-9375
+1 587-713-9001
205- 12906 54 Street Nw, Edmonton
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 4:30pm MST
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Get help in your Business Returns
Make sure to have your income information
Income Statement
Type all your business income information from previous year.
About You
Your Name
Your Email
Your company Name
Your Business Number
What is your revenue?
Please type the percentage according to each code.
Trade sales of goods and services [8000]
CODE 8000
Dividend income [8095]
CODE 8095
Commission revenue [8120]
CODE 8120
Dividends from Canadian sources [8096]
CODE 8096
Interest from other Canadian sources [8094]
CODE 8094
Investment revenue [8090]
CODE 8090
Other revenue [8230]
CODE 8230
Real estate rental revenue [8141]
CODE 8141
What is Cost of Sales?
Please type the percentage according to each code.
Cost of sales [8518]
CODE 8518
Direct wages [8340]
CODE 8340
Opening inventory [8300]
CODE 8300
Other direct costs [8450]
CODE 8450
Purchases / cost of materials [8320]
CODE 8320
Trades and sub-contracts [8360]
CODE 8360
What are the operating expenses?
Please type the percentage according to each code.
Accounting fees [8862]
CODE 8862
Advertising [8521]
CODE 8521
Advertising and promotion [8520]
CODE 8520
Amortization of intangible assets [8570]
CODE 8570
Amortization of natural resource assets [8650]
CODE 8650
Amortization of tangible assets [8670]
CODE 8670
Appraisal fees [8865]
CODE 8865
Architect fees [8864]
CODE 8864
Bad debt expense [8590]
CODE 8590
Bank charges [8715]
CODE 8715
Bonuses [9063]
CODE 9063
Brokerage fees [8869]
CODE 8869
Business taxes [8762]
CODE 8762
Business taxes, licences and memberships [8760]
CODE 8760
Camp supplies [9139]
CODE 9139
Cash over / short [9271]
CODE 9271
Collection and credit costs [8717]
CODE 8717
Commissions [9061]
CODE 9061
Computer-related expenses [9150]
CODE 9150
Condominium fees [8913]
CODE 8913
Consulting fees [8863]
CODE 8863
Contributions to deferred income plans [8623]
CODE 8623
Credit card charges [8716]
CODE 8716
Crew share [9062]
CODE 9062
Data processing [8813]
CODE 8813
Delivery, freight and express [9275]
CODE 9275
Directors fees [9064]
CODE 9064
Donations [8522]
CODE 8522
Dumping charges [9279]
CODE 9279
Electricity [9221]
CODE 9221
Employee benefits [8620]
CODE 8620
Employee salaries [9066]
CODE 9066
Employer's portion of employee benefits [8622]
CODE 8622
Equipment rental [8914]
CODE 8914
Fishing gear [9136]
CODE 9136
Food and catering [9135]
CODE 9135
Franchise fees [8763]
CODE 8763
Fuel costs [9224]
CODE 9224
Garbage removal [9014]
CODE 9014
General and administrative expenses [9284]
CODE 9284
Goodwill impairment loss [8571]
CODE 8571
Government fees [8764]
CODE 8764
Group insurance benefits [8621]
CODE 8621
Heat [9223]
CODE 9223
Insurance [8690]
CODE 8690
Interdivisional [9285]
CODE 9285
Interest and bank charges [8710]
CODE 8710
Interest on bonds and debentures [8712]
CODE 8712
Interest on long term debt [8714]
CODE 8714
Interest on mortgages [8713]
CODE 8713
Interest on short term debt [8711]
CODE 8711
Interest paid (financial institutions) [8740]
CODE 8740
Interest paid on bonds and debentures [8742]
CODE 8742
Interest paid on deposits [8741]
CODE 8741
Interfund transfer [9286]
CODE 9286
Internet [9152]
CODE 9152
Laboratory fees [8866]
CODE 8866
Land fill fees [9280]
CODE 9280
Laundry [9134]
CODE 9134
Legal fees [8861]
CODE 8861
Life insurance on executives [8691]
CODE 8691
Loan losses [8610]
CODE 8610
Machine shop expense [9011]
CODE 9011
Management and administration fees [8871[
CODE 8871
Meals and entertainment [8523]
CODE 8523
Management salaries [9065]
CODE 9065
Medical fees [8867]
CODE 8867
Meetings and conventions [9201]
CODE 9201
Memberships [8761]
CODE 8761
Moorage (boat) [8916]
Motor vehicle rentals [8915]
CODE 8915
Nets and traps [9137]
CODE 9137
Nova Scotia tax on large corporations [8790]
CODE 8790
Occupancy costs [8912]
CODE 8912
Office expenses [8810]
CODE 8810
Office stationery and supplies [8811]
CODE 8811
Office utilities [8812]
CODE 8812
Other expenses [9270]
CODE 9270
Other repairs and maintenance [9010]
CODE 9010
Professional fees [8860]
CODE 8860
Promotion [8524]
CODE 8524
Property taxes [9180]
CODE 9180
Provision for loan losses [8611]
CODE 8611
Quota rental [8918]
CODE 8918
Real estate rental [8911]
CODE 8911
Refining and assay [8872]
CODE 8872
Registrar and transfer agent fees [8873]
CODE 8873
Reimbursement of parent company expense [9272]
CODE 9272
Rental [8910]
CODE 8910
Repairs and maintenance [8960]
CODE 8960
Repairs and maintenance - boats [8963]
CODE 8963
Repairs and maintenance - buildings [8961]
CODE 8961
Repairs and maintenance - machinery and equipment [8964]
CODE 8964
Repairs and maintenance - vehicles [8962]
CODE 8962
Research and development [9282]
CODE 9282
Restructuring costs [8874]
CODE 8874
Road costs [9012]
CODE 9012
Royalty expenses - non-resident [9278]
CODE 9278
Royalty expenses - resident [9277]
CODE 9277
Salaries and wages [9060]
CODE 9060
Salt, bait, and ice [9138]
CODE 9138
Securities commission fees [8875]
CODE 8875
Security [9013]
CODE 9013
Selling expenses [9273]
CODE 9273
Shipping and warehouse expense [9274]
CODE 9274
Shop expense [9132]
CODE 9132
Small tools [9131]
CODE 9131
Storage [8917]
CODE 8917
Studio and recording [8877]
CODE 8877
Sub-contracts [9110]
CODE 9110
Supplies [9130]
CODE 9130
Telephone and telecommunications [9225]
CODE 9225
Training expense [8876]
CODE 8876
Transfer fees [8870]
CODE 8870
Travel expenses [9200]
CODE 9200
Uniforms [9133]
CODE 9133
Upgrade [9151]
CODE 9151
Utilities [9220]
CODE 9220
Vehicle expenses [9281]
CODE 9281
Veterinary fees [8868]
CODE 8868
Warranty expenses [9276]
CODE 9276
Water [9222]
CODE 9222